So right now, it looks like this... A freaking dumping ground for all things that have yet to find "a home". This could be bad folks, so I'm taking control-- Will buy organizational items so I am forced to clear out this wayward junk.
And look who's here to inspire me. None other than the great dame of organizational divinity--
I'm already digging that galvanized bucket filled with wrapping paper.
What a neat space! I wish more homes in California had useable attic space and basements. I'm not half as crafty as Martha, so I definitely won't need all those desks, but wouldn't it be awesome to have all that organized, horizonal space on which to create?--
Great way to organize a desk hutch. I think I'm going to pick up some jars when I'm at Ikea next.--
While I would LOVE to have Martha's craft room, I'm still looking for something different... something else.
Right now I'm stuck on the Ikea Expedit...

Which would become something like this ...
or perhaps this... The price and the functionality of the Expedit truly amazes--
I'm also thinking about the ridiculously expensive Pottery Barn Project Table or one of it's knock-off cousins... the price keeps driving me away though--
Pottery Barn always upsets me. Why are they so inconsisent on their store, catalog and web prices? And what's with all these surcharges? I have a feeling a $1,000 splurge on a veneer table will not be happening... at least I have my common sense!
Well, as you can see, I'm chomping at the bit to get started. Now I just have to convince The Mister to take a little drive to visit Pottery Barn and Ikea ASAP. Can't wait!!