Eight months ago he quoted us a price to frame-out the 2 small niches in our rotunda. We thought the price was too high and promptly forgot about it. Well, he called The Mister 2 weeks ago with a much lower price (50% lower actually) and said it would be a 2-3 day job with minimal mess...
Well, it turned out to be an 8 day job with lots of paint dust... covering every room in the house-- furniture, window treatment, artwork, beds and all the floors & carpet. It's such a small area to paint, maybe the paint sprayer was overkill?? Or perhaps a makeshift tent so paint residue doesn't end up covering our belongings and lungs??
The topper was that he used the wrong color paint (gray white instead of pure white), then touched up some of our floorboards with that paint. Now our floorboard look dirty! I guess we're going to have to add "painting floorboards" to our lengthy to-do list!
Could be worse, but I've spent the last couple of days dusting and vacuuming, and I'm still finding white residue...

Thank goodness for good help!
I'll be back later with photos of the finished product!

Thank goodness for good help!
I'll be back later with photos of the finished product!