Here's a quick and easy project that I made for Happy Vee's Travel-themed room. I know I say "quick and easy" far too often, but really... it was quick and easy!
I bought an unfinished wood letter months ago on the cheap (JoAnns on sale) and The Mister picked up the map (at my request) on his last trip to The Automobile Club (if you're a member, maps are free!).
Besides the letter and map, you'll also need a paint brush and...
place letter on the map...
I wanted to capture the Los Angeles coastal region, including the ocean, so that's why the letter is laid out at an odd angle.
trace letter and cut it out...
it's okay if the paper that you cut out is slightly larger than the wood letter
Okay, here's where I neglected to take photos (sorry, I tend to get ahead of myself):
-using modge podge, glue that piece of map that you just cut out to the wood letter.
-paint on a coat of modge podge on top of the map to seal. Let dry.
- wrap twine around letter (the twine adds a little texture to the edges and is why a little map overhang is okay). I used tacky glue, but a glue gun would work too.
Now I just need to bite the bullet and hang up the wall gallery that I have planned for Happy Vee's room... Yep, I'm procrastinating again!
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