
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Banana Sour Cream Bread

I love rainy days... something to treasure in usually dry-as-a-bone Southern Cal. 
While Smarty Pants was at school and Happy Vee was napping, I had a few minutes to relax on the couch with a good book, a cup of green tea and some piping hot banana bread that I just pulled out of the oven. (sigh).  It was a Calgon moment...

This is THE best banana bread recipe ever!-- Moist and light with a nice cinnamon/sugar crunch on the edges.  I discovered this recipe on Allrecipes a few years ago when I baked 50 mini loaves for Smarty Pant's monkey-themed birthday party.  This is probably one of the few recipes that I found on that site where I didn't alter a single thing. And just in case you don't feel like eating all four loaves in one sitting... it freezes very well too.