There are a ton of blogs devoted to cute food...
little nummies
i may have to try this one... maybe in race car form
i may have to try this one... maybe in race car form
jim's pancakes
this dad makes the coolest pancakes for his daughter!
this dad makes the coolest pancakes for his daughter!
these cute little "cheese burgers" are actually macarons!
these cute little "cheese burgers" are actually macarons!
and look, you can even do rice!
I tried to rationalize the purchase by convincing myself that Smarty Pants (my little non-eater... he literally survives on just air) may be enticed to pick-up food if it's shaped like a car. It sorta worked, he picked up the car-shaped egg, vroomed around... then took one bite and was full. Ah well, baby steps...
I suppose I can use these for a future party... I don't think my boys will be growing out of their car phase any time soon.
Have a great weekend!