Aren't these magnified snowflakes beautiful?
So, with good weather on my side, the kids went outside to play and I sat down at our patio table and got to work on some ornament beautification.
in true snowflake form, no two are alike
I cranked out around 10 of these (and I only dropped one-- yee haw!). They actually look quite nice with the gold background, but since I'm going with a silver & white scheme, I'll hit them up with some glossy white and mirrored silver in the next day or two.
And don't cha like my "ornament stands"? I originally saw these pretty bottles in October when The Mister and I went out to dinner for our anniversary. I was planning on asking the waiter for one... then completely forgot. I must've mentioned it to my Mother-in-law, because the next thing I knew, 3 of these pretties were on my counter-- to know her is to love her... she pays attention to minute details! Anyhow they're a special edition Pellegrino bottle by Missoni. Not sure what I'm going to do with 'em, but this will probably be the only time anything Missoni crosses my threshold! :)Have a lovely Wednesday!