In this case, the "Baby" of our family thoroughly enjoyed Vegas.
here he is hauling his little suitcase through the lobby
and doing the happy dance
this little perma-grin didn't leave his face the entire time
(an afternoon at Circus Circus will do that to ya!)
To celebrate The Mister's 40th, we (including kids, grandparents & aunties) headed to Vegas.
The Mister and I don't gamble much (which is good because Lady Luck was NOT good to us),
And we don't go clubbing, or anything like that,
But we did enjoy a good meal or two (excellent food at Shibuya... craving a yellow tail jalapeno roll right about now),
And saw an awesome show-- KA (the stage was amazing! of course the performers were too... but the stage, wow! and there's also a neat part with shadows...)
So everyone had a great time (especially the birthday boy) but it sure is good to be home.
After doing several loads of laundry (can't stand the smoke on our clothes!),
and chugging down several kettles of green tea, I think the Vegas *detox* is almost complete.
I leave you with this fabulous photo of The Mister's Birthday Cake...
Yeah, I didn't know his name was "Auntie Minnie" either. Bah ha ha!
It was a communication issue. Ah well, it makes for a good story.