Sorry for the blog absence this week. We've had a hectic week filled with...
school projects
if I was stressed out doing a preschool project, what are the upcoming years going to be like?
touring prospective schools
can't believe that we're already thinking about Kindergarten for Smarty Pants.
holiday parties
and next week will be crazier with 3 potlucks and 2 Christmas programs!
On top of that, The Mister turns version 4.0 next week and we will be celebrating this weekend
he's been having a hard time with "forty", so "four-point-oh" sounds kinder & gentler, right?
So I didn't make much headway with our Christmas decor, but I did manage to wrap a few presents. I mentioned earlier that I'm using what I have and am not buying any new Christmas wrap, ribbons or tags.
Armed with a freebie 2010 car calendar, butcher paper, a grocery bag, decorative scissors, some tape and bakers twine, I wrapped a few presents that are going to Smarty Pant's little buddies--
Four down, many more to go!