It's that time of year again... next month Smarty Pants is turning 5! I still can't get my head around "5". It's such a big milestone!
So this year Smarty Pants has requested a Police Party. Since it's not a commercial theme, anything goes... as long as the 5-year-old-to-be agrees. So the challenge is on! How to make a not so "cute" police theme into something that he'll love and something that I'll enjoy putting together.
At first I thought it'd be fun to go the old-fashioned British "bobby" route, but he got hung up on the hats-- "Those are NOT Police man hats, mommy!". He hasn't been to the UK yet and the police here look nothing like the keystone kops, so I decided to let it go. My brief dreams of the Union Jack, Keystone kops and bobby hats were dashed... (cue the violins)
Then, I decided to come back to the States for some Americana inspiration-- Stars, a red & navy color scheme... and maybe a little yellow chevron if I can sneak it in. And flashing lights... Smarty Pants would LOVE that!
Oh, and we're definitely doing donuts! So the fun begins. :)