
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fashionable Books

Hi Everyone!  Hope your week is going well.  We've been enjoying summer-like temps this week and have spent almost every day at the pool... which means I haven't made much progress with Smarty Pant's upcoming police party or anything else on my "to do" list.  Ah well!  So not much going on the crafty front, but I should have something ready to share by next week.

Have you been noticing all the fun literature and book influences in fashion and decor?  Electronic books may be all the rage, but there is definitely something nostalgic and beautiful about holding a "real" book in your hands.  Maybe that's why books are becoming somewhat of a fashion statement.

 embroidered canvas book clutch via olympia le-tan
how unique, but at $1,500 I may have to pass ;)

book necklace via the black spots books

book shelf printed dress via maria cornejo as seen on harpers bazaar

books as decor via apartment therapy
love the color coordination...

and more books as decor via anna williams on desire to inspire

i'm always sucked in by the pretty books at anthropologie

I'm off to catch up with emails & comments!  Have a great rest of the day.