This weekend we celebrated Happy Vee's 3rd Birthday with a Bubble Party. He was thrilled! Every day for the last couple of weeks he would ask about his "party with friends". The birthday presents and the sweets were nice, but more importantly, he was excited to have a big playdate with his favorite friends and family.
:: the invitation ::
{a closer look at some of the details}
the banner was created with many, many shimmery paper circles and letters cut from my cricut.
i glued the circles to transluscent thread and hung the banner on the mantel with clear hooks
the "bubble art" were created with satin balloons mounted to bubble wrap
{the "bubble" mobile hung above the dessert table}
the "bubble mobile": shimmery paper circles glued to transluscent thread and hung on an embroidery hoop
{the rest of the decorations were simple-- balloons and paper lanterns}
:: the desserts ::
:: the drink station ::
juice & milk for the kids
the round plastic bottles originally held martinelli's apple juice
:: activities ::
{after the show, there was bubble play in our backyard}
a potpourri of bubble wands-- the fly swatters were a hit and the plates made great big bubbles.

the bubble wrap "stomp" was pretty fun too.
:: Favors ::

bubble bath & a bottle of bubble solution
So my "baby" is officially 3-- unbelievable!

bubble bath & a bottle of bubble solution
So my "baby" is officially 3-- unbelievable!
Hope your weekend was wonderful.
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