After the bright and shiny Christmas decor comes down and after all the holiday hoopla, I usually find myself yearning for simplicity-- simple shapes, soothing colors... anything calm.
I had wanted to hang small wreaths in our windows this Christmas, but never got around to it. Since I'm impatient and can't wait a whole year, I decided to adapt the idea for Valentine's Day. However, since I'm not quite ready for my home to look like Cupid's lair... I decided to go with simple white flowers.
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Flower Heart Wreath Tutorial
supplies: 2 floral stems (i have enough here to make 3 hearts), glue gun, floral wire cutters
cut off the main stem. do this on 2 stems of flowers.
see the notches in the stem?
bend it there into a half-heart shape. bend both stems together to duplicate the shape.
this will become the frame for the heart.
using your hot glue gun, put a dollop of glue at the joint to connect the 2 stems.
one for the top of the heart, and one for the bottom.
to strengthen the bond, cut off a leaf and glue it around the 2 joints.
then, decide how you want your heart to look-- all flowers? flowers and leaves?
leaves on bottom, flowers on top? then let the gluing begin!
Since I can never seem to make the same thing more than once, I made 3 versions of the flower hearts--
heart #1:
all flowers
heart #2:
leaves at the bottom, climbing stems in the middle & a dense amount of flowers at the top
heart #3:
leaves at the bottom, climbing stems in the middle & a dense amount of flowers at the top
heart #3:
flowers & leaves combined
Here they are hanging in our kitchen windows--

it was hard for me to photograph against the light... one of these days i'll take a photography class!
These wreaths add a little pretty to our kitchen nook. My favorite part about this project is that it looks simple and it IS simple-- No need to buy expensive wreath forms or wrangle a wire hanger into a cute shape. And although the heart-shape can sometimes be limited to Valentine's Day, I think these fit perfectly into both Winter and Spring decor.
It's still warm and sunny out there so I've been coerced into playing catch in the backyard. :) Hope you had a great weekend!