i like the string-like texture and the airiness of the piece...
but the best part? what a steal!
I waffled back and forth on what I really wanted for that area and stuffed it in the back of our pantry and did nothing. Nothing, that is, until yesterday.
Yesterday, when I was cleaning out the pantry, I rediscovered the wire bowl. I also happened to have out some nail polish and paints for another project... Then it hit me-- twang! Don't you like it when that happens?
Black Wire with Cool Lines + Bright Colorful Polish =
A "POP" of color for the kitchen
the bright colors catch the eye, but it's used sparingly. the original black paint grounds the piece and keeps if from being too gaudy.
Click "Read more" for the full post.
As far as the "How-to" goes, it's really easy...
paint on the nail polish or paint.
for the matte paints, i used a clear top coat of nail polish to give it a little shine and seal.
a close-up against a light background...
and a close-up against a dark background.
So here's the plan for the kitchen nook...
i'm thinking about these clocks 1, 2, 3... and this mirror.
i'm thinking about these clocks 1, 2, 3... and this mirror.