
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hearts & Blooms

I made a special Valentine's lunch for the boys.
Before you start thinking I'm super (crazy) mom, these are all ideas that I've seen elsewhere but, unfortunately, I didn't bookmark the source.  Yeah, so it was another super (crazy) mom or dad that came up with the carved banana and heart sprinkles sandwich. Since my boys were so excited for Valentine's Day that they kept calling it Halloween, I decided they needed a fun (but not too girly!) lunch.

The Mister did good. I woke up this morning with that "if I lean over too far my head feels like a sandbag is on top of it" feeling.  You know that feeling? But when I came home to this bright and happy bouquet,  I found that I just need to gaze at those awesomely green chrysanthemums for a quick pick-me-up. Sandbag be gone!  He also wrote me the best card ever... but I won't be sharing that.  :)  I'm a lucky girl!