
Sunday, August 5, 2012

[Make] Folding Water Color Birthday Card Banner

This weekend we celebrated my Sister-in-Law's birthday. She adores the boys, lavishes them with a lot of attention, and is basically their #1 fan.  :)  And since they are always eager to make something for her, I knew that they would have a hand in her present. 

Since water colors always turn out nice and I have a lot of scrap paper in my stash, we decided to make this really happy and colorful folding banner that would also serve as her birthday card.

Accordian Happy Birthday Banner Card

You can probably figure out how this was put together, but here's the step-by-step--

1. cut thick white paper into small rectangles (mine are 2 in x 3 in)
2. draw your letters with a sharpie (or permanent) pen
3. paint your rectangles with water colors... or outsource like I did. :)

4. let dry.  stack a book on top if the paper curls.
5. cut-out your background paper. 
6. adhere letter to background paper (I used double-sided tape).
7. attach banner together using tape.  Leave a miniscule little space between each paper so that the banner can easily fold. I could feel the tackiness of the tape so I taped both sides of the banner. (I used washi tape, but plain tape will also work).

8. fold-up like an accordian.

9. write a little note on the back if you wish.

And since I have a ton of rhinestones left over from this project, I decided to bedazzle her gift too.  I like it much better than ribbon.

I think she liked it!  Happy Birthday Ju Ju!

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