
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

[Make] Scalloped Lace Pinecone

Yep, another pinecone project.  I actually bought the lace earlier in the year to make something for Easter, but since that didn't happen... More pinecone love! 

Click "Read more" for the tutorial

Scalloped Lace Pinecone

materials needed:
1.5 yard scalloped lace
egg-shaped styrofoam form
pins (I used floral pins)
coffee (optional)

I think the scallops on the lace lend themselves perfectly to the "petals" of a pinecone.

Since I wanted a more natural look, I decided to dye the white lace in coffee.  At first I tried black tea, but that wasn't dark enough... Coffee worked great!  Just let it soak for a few hours and rinse it well. Here's the lace after a coffee bath--

Let the lace dry, then cut the scallops into "teardrop" shapes...

Pin the scallops onto the styrofoam egg starting at the pointed tip.  I ended up glueing down the first piece at the tip with a hot glue gun so that the pins wouldn't show.

Keep layering and pinning, hiding the pinheads as you go...

When you reach the part where the "stem" should go (still haven't determined if that's the top or bottom of the pinecone), use one pin to attach the hanging ribbon and the last three top pieces--

No Christmas tree around, so here it is hanging on one of the juniper trees that we just planted in our backyard.  Eh... you get the idea!  :)

I think I'm pine-coned out for the year!  Hope you're having a nice week!

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