
Monday, December 10, 2012

[Our Lives] 12.10.12

Hi Everyone.  Hope you had a nice weekend.  We had a productive one... Christmas tree up (although not completely decorated), Christmas cards created (although not mailed out yet), and almost all the gifts have been purchased (just need to wrap). There was even a couple of 1st grade basketball games thrown in there (so fun to watch!).

In November & December, although it seems like all I do is make things for the holidays, in reality, my kids and their activities take front stage.  Here are some moments captured on my camera phone--

happy vee's last soccer game :: happy vee's family portrait (so cute!) 

saw this at nordstroms.  my kids are not good shoppers (enuff said)

colorful diy drums @ the children's museum :: mini light trees (more on that later)

smarty pants gearing-up at the batting cages.

the mister and happy vee having a dance-a-thon at our condo

pretty camellia that happy vee found in our yard

smarty pant's class play  :: and after this weekend's basketball game

tiny toadstools found in our backyard.  i'm enamored with these little guys.

Have a terrific week!

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